Do we need all this brain?

The answer is yes. In my previous post I talked about Wilder Penfield and how he built a detailed map of the tactile cortex using the "straightforward" procedure of stimulating a specific area of the brain of a patient and asking the patient what he/she felt. As we saw, this procedure follows the simple strategy: … Continúa leyendo Do we need all this brain?

Maps in the Brain

The handsome man here on the left is called Homunculus (a beautifull name for a beautifull man) and his presence in this post will become clear soon. But first things first. In our previous post we tried to understand how human societies here on Earth work by looking at them from the Moon. We found … Continúa leyendo Maps in the Brain

On research, Discovery and Unkowns

A man on the Moon Imagine you were trying to understand how the human civilization works by observing our planet from the Moon. Being on the moon, you would not have much else to do, so this sounds like a nice hobby, right? At first glance, you would spot two main types of regions, water … Continúa leyendo On research, Discovery and Unkowns

Understanding the brain with copulas

Imagine we could understand the brain – fully. Understanding all the intricacies of how the brain works could allow us to cure many diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. We might also be able to build machines that mimic the brain or even excel at what it is doing so that old science fiction stories on … Continúa leyendo Understanding the brain with copulas

Sobre la mayoría

¿Cuál de las 3 líneas de la derecha es igual a la que ves a la izquierda? ¿Estás seguro? Quizás deberías fijarte bien... Supongo que, dado el historial de este blog con las ilusiones visuales, muchos de vosotros estáis esperando a que diga que la respuesta correcta es la A, que todas las líneas son … Continúa leyendo Sobre la mayoría